This assignment involves making a poster regarding career development based on industrial talks given by Habib and PPG. The talks involves many people who are currently working in the field, senior students and alumnis. In order to be successful in this field, a combination of technical skills, continuous learning, practical experience, and effective networking must be built upon an individual.

Habib's Career Talk
On 23rd October 2023, one of the UTM alumni Habib who was an ex-student of Dr. Aryati and is currently working as a system analyst. He shared his experiences as a student and what he does in his job. He also shared how to make your resume more attractive to employers.
PPG Industrial Talk
Some representatives from PPG gave a briefing about their company, their values and what is it like to work there. Two alumnis from UTM are currently working there as Data Engineers, and they told us their intership experiences, career growth and technologies they used.
This poster includes all the contents that was given and mentioned during the talk. It's a poster that focuses on all things related to career development. A suggestion for this poster is to simplify the contents to increase readibility.
Prior to PPG's Industrial Talk, we had a meet & greet session for data engineering students. We had a trekking session in the UTM Recreational Forest. Here are some photos from the session and some additional photos from the talk!

Overall, I gained a lot from both of the talks and what to expect from my when entering the workforce. All the insights and tips from the alumnis are very valuable and I will definitely keep them in mind whilst preparing for my career and my time here.