This is a group work and we were assigned to write an academic paper based on the topic of system development. As future developers, it is important to gain understanding about this topic as it will play a big part in the workforce and will be implemented when we work in a company to create a system or product.

The industry talk
Ms Qistina, who is a UTM data engineering alumni, is currently working as a Analytics Delivery and AI Operation at Credence. She tells about her career growth from industrial training till today. Some of the topics she discussed were Analytics, Career in Analytics, Technology Used in Analytics and Workplace Culture at Credence.
The completed report, it was written in an academic paper with Harvard reference format.
This talk and assignment allowed us to gain a deeper understanding regarding system development which plays an important part in the IT industry. It is important to have a clear plan and methodology when approaching the creation of a system to mitigate the risk of failure. It was also interesting to learn about the history of system development methods and how it came to be to what it is now.