Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that has the intention to improve products. We were given the topic of Social Media. We interviewed people regarding the shortcomings of social media and discussed the suitable solution. In this project we had to go through all the processes of design thinking starting from Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Testing to design a solution to a problem. We found that scams are the biggest social media problem and we have a create a mobile application to detect potential scams.

Here we interviewed 3 students regarding their views on social media. We aim to empathize with the users of social media and try to find a solution to the problem addressed.

Here we analyse the needs and problems that users faced based on what we got from the previous phase.

Here we brainstorm ideas in order to find the perfect solution for social media users

My group members Yi Ya and Ru Qian, making the prototype for our app SAFETYLAA

Testing the functionalities and affective of the application based on the prototype that was made.
Overall, I think we reached the objective for this project and was able to complete it well. There are some improvements that can be made like researching design thinking methods before starting the project. All in all I think this project was a very valuable experience for me as I get to learn what its like to design a product. I also get to enhance my teamworking and communication skills.